Depression Era Water Pie

FAQ: Common Questions About Depression Era Water Pie

Q: Can I use margarine instead of butter?
A: Yes, you can substitute margarine for butter in this recipe. However, the flavor and texture might be slightly different, as margarine has a higher water content than butter.

Q: My pie filling didn’t set properly. What went wrong?
A: If the filling is too runny, it may need more baking time. Make sure the pie is fully baked before removing it from the oven, and allow it to cool completely to help the filling set.

Q: Can I add fruit to this pie?
A: While traditional Water Pie doesn’t include fruit, you can certainly experiment! Adding a handful of fresh or frozen berries on top of the filling before baking could be a fun variation.

Final Thoughts

Depression Era Water Pie is more than just a dessert; it’s a piece of history. This simple, humble recipe reminds us of a time when creativity in the kitchen was a necessity. With just a few ingredients, you can create a delicious, comforting pie that’s sure to please. It’s a wonderful way to connect with the past and enjoy a taste of nostalgia.

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