Deli Squares

FAQ: Common Questions About Deli Squares

Q: Can I use homemade dough instead of crescent roll dough?
A: Yes, you can use homemade pizza or bread dough if you prefer. Adjust the baking time as needed.

Q: How do I make Deli Squares spicy?
A: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes or some hot sauce to the mayonnaise mixture for a spicy kick.

Q: Can I use a different type of cheese?
A: Absolutely! Feel free to use any cheese you like, such as Monterey Jack, Gouda, or Fontina.

Final Thoughts

Deli Squares are a versatile and delicious snack that’s perfect for any occasion. With their savory fillings and crispy exterior, they’re sure to be a hit at your next gathering or as a fun treat for yourself. Easy to make and customize, these squares are a great addition to any recipe collection.

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