Air Fryer Squash


Q: Can I use frozen squash for this recipe? A: Fresh squash is best for this recipe as it provides the best texture. Frozen squash may release too much water and become mushy.

Q: Do I need to peel the squash? A: No, there’s no need to peel the squash. The skin is thin and becomes tender when cooked.

Q: Can I add other vegetables? A: Absolutely! Bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, or thinly sliced carrots would be great additions. Just adjust the cooking time as needed.

Perfect Pairings

Air Fryer Squash pairs wonderfully with a variety of main dishes. Try serving it alongside grilled chicken, steak, or fish. It also makes a great addition to a grain bowl or salad. For a complete meal, add a side of quinoa or cauliflower rice.

Call to Action

I hope you enjoy making and savoring this Air Fryer Squash as much as I do! If you love this recipe, please share it with your friends and family. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more delicious recipes and cooking tips. Happy cooking!