Marinated Cucumber Salad with red onions


Can I use other types of vinegar in the marinade?

Absolutely! While apple cider vinegar adds a tangy sweetness to the marinade, you can also use white wine vinegar, rice vinegar, or even balsamic vinegar for a different flavor profile. Feel free to experiment with different vinegars to find your favorite combination.

Can I make this salad ahead of time?

Yes, Marinated Cucumber Salad with Red Onions can be made ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator until ready to serve. In fact, allowing the salad to marinate for several hours or overnight will enhance the flavors even further, making it an ideal make-ahead dish for parties and gatherings.

Can I add other vegetables to the salad?

Absolutely! This salad is highly customizable, so feel free to add your favorite vegetables to the mix. Bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, radishes, or thinly sliced carrots would all make delicious additions to this refreshing salad.


In conclusion, Marinated Cucumber Salad with Red Onions is a simple yet satisfying dish that celebrates the vibrant flavors of summer. With its crisp cucumbers, tangy red onions, and zesty marinade, this salad is a refreshing addition to any meal. Whether you’re enjoying it as a side dish, a light lunch, or a flavorful snack, this salad is sure to brighten up your day with every refreshing bite. So, what are you waiting for? Whip up a batch of this delightful salad, and savor the taste of summer all year round. Don’t forget to share this recipe with your friends and family, and be sure to subscribe to our blog for more delicious recipes and culinary inspiration. Here’s to good food and great company!