Beautifully grilled steak

FAQs: Q: Can I use a different type of steak for this recipe? A: Yes, you can use any cut of steak you prefer. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Q: How do I know when the steak is done? A: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. For medium-rare, aim for 130-135°F (54-57°C).

Q: Can I grill the steak indoors? A: Yes, you can use a grill pan on the stovetop if you don’t have an outdoor grill.

Conclusion: Grilling steak is a simple yet satisfying culinary experience that anyone can enjoy. With this recipe, you’ll be able to create beautifully grilled steaks that are sure to impress. So fire up the grill, grab your favorite cut of steak, and get ready to enjoy a delicious meal!

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