Ultimate Roasted Vegetables


  1. Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to 425°F (220°C). This high temperature is key for achieving those beautifully caramelized edges.
  2. Prepare the Vegetables: Wash, peel (where necessary), and chop all the vegetables into uniform sizes. This ensures they cook evenly. The denser vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes should be cut slightly smaller than softer vegetables like zucchini and squash.
  3. Season: In a large bowl, toss the chopped vegetables with olive oil, minced garlic, salt, pepper, and mixed dried herbs until everything is evenly coated. If you like a bit of spice, this is the time to add some red pepper flakes.
  4. Spread Out: Arrange the vegetables in a single layer on one or two large baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Make sure the vegetables are not overcrowded; this helps them roast properly rather than steam.
  5. Roast: Place the baking sheets in the preheated oven and roast for about 25-35 minutes. Halfway through the cooking time, take them out to stir or flip the vegetables to ensure they are browning evenly on all sides.
  6. Check for Doneness: The vegetables are done when they are tender on the inside and caramelized on the edges. The roasting time may vary depending on the oven and the size of the vegetable pieces.
  7. Serve: Once done, remove the vegetables from the oven and let them cool slightly before serving. They can be enjoyed as a side dish, added to salads, bowls, or wraps, or simply eaten on their own.

Tips for Perfect Roasted Vegetables:

  • Variety is Key: Use a mix of different vegetables for a variety of flavors and textures.
  • High Heat: Roasting at a high temperature ensures a nice caramelization.
  • Space Them Out: Avoid overcrowding the pan to ensure each piece roasts rather than steams.
  • Season Well: Don’t be shy with the seasoning; it enhances the natural flavors of the vegetables.
  • Timing: Denser vegetables take longer to cook, so adjust sizes and cooking times accordingly.

Enjoy the rich, comforting taste of these ultimate roasted vegetables any day of the week. They’re a simple yet satisfying way to add more veggies to your meals.