Amazing Grape Salad


Preparing the Salad:

  1. Mix Grapes: In a large mixing bowl, combine the red and green grapes. Gently toss them to mix the colors.

Making the Dressing:

  1. Combine Ingredients: In another bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the cream cheese until it’s smooth and creamy. Add the yogurt, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract. Continue to beat until the mixture is well combined and smooth.
  2. Dress the Grapes: Pour the dressing over the grapes in the large mixing bowl. Gently fold the dressing into the grapes until they are evenly coated. Be careful not to crush the grapes.

Adding the Topping:

  1. Prepare the Topping: In a small bowl, mix the brown sugar and toasted pecans together.
  2. Assemble the Salad: Transfer the dressed grapes into your serving dish. Sprinkle the brown sugar and pecan mixture evenly over the top of the salad.

Chilling the Salad:

  1. Chill: Cover the salad and refrigerate it for at least an hour before serving. This salad is best served chilled and allows the flavors to meld beautifully.


  1. Enjoy: Serve the grape salad as a refreshing side dish, a dessert, or a unique addition to brunch. It’s versatile, delicious, and always a crowd-pleaser.


  • Variations: Feel free to add other fruits like sliced strawberries or blueberries for added color and flavor.
  • Make Ahead: This salad can be made a day in advance. Just add the topping before serving to maintain the crunch.
  • Dietary Adjustments: For a lighter version, you can substitute the cream cheese and yogurt with low-fat or fat-free versions and use a sugar substitute if desired.

Enjoy your Amazing Grape Salad, a simple yet sophisticated dish that’s sure to delight your taste buds!