Healthy and Delicious Broccoli and Cheese Fritters

How to Make Broccoli and Cheese Fritters

Making broccoli and cheese fritters is a breeze! Follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Cook the Broccoli

Start by boiling the broccoli in water. Once cooked, let it cool slightly and remove the stems. Then, crumble the broccoli into smaller pieces.

Step 2: Grate the Parmesan Cheese

Grate the parmesan cheese using a grater.

Step 3: Beat the Eggs

In a bowl, beat the eggs and add salt and pepper to enhance the flavor.

Step 4: Mix the Ingredients

In a large bowl, combine the beaten eggs, crumbled broccoli, and grated parmesan cheese. Mix until you have a homogeneous and uniform mixture.

Step 5: Shape and Fry the Fritters

Form small balls with the mixture and flatten them to create fritters. The thinner you make them, the crispier they will be when fried.

Step 6: Fry and Serve

Heat some oil in a frying pan and fry the fritters until they are golden brown on both sides. Serve them fresh and enjoy their delicious flavor.

These broccoli and cheese fritters are not only a great way to boost your own nutrition, but also a fantastic option for getting your kids to eat healthier. You can even add carrots or any other vegetables you like to the mixture for added variety and nutrients. With these fritters, you can finally relax knowing that your loved ones are enjoying a nutritious and tasty meal.