Classic Southern Caramel Cake

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use store-bought caramel sauce? While you can use store-bought caramel sauce in a pinch, making the caramel frosting from scratch gives the cake its authentic Southern flavor and texture.

What if my caramel frosting hardens before I finish frosting the cake? If the caramel frosting hardens, you can gently reheat it on low heat, stirring constantly until it reaches a spreadable consistency again.

Can I make this cake ahead of time? Yes, you can bake the cake layers a day ahead and store them wrapped in plastic wrap. Frost the cake on the day you plan to serve it for the best results.

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I hope you enjoy making and eating this delightful Southern Caramel Cake as much as I do. If you love this recipe, please share it with your friends and family. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more delicious recipes and baking tips!