Beef Empanadas

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use pre-made dough? Yes, if you’re short on time, you can use store-bought pie crust or empanada dough. Just make sure to roll it out thinly.

Can I make these empanadas vegetarian? Absolutely! Substitute the ground beef with a plant-based protein or a mixture of beans and vegetables for a vegetarian version.

What’s the best way to prevent the dough from sticking? Keep your work surface and rolling pin well-floured, and work quickly to prevent the dough from warming up and becoming sticky.

How do I know when the empanadas are done? The empanadas are done when the crust is golden brown and the filling is hot. You can check the internal temperature of the filling with a meat thermometer; it should be at least 160°F (71°C).


These beef empanadas are a flavorful and satisfying dish that’s sure to please. With their crispy crust and savory filling, they’re perfect for any meal or occasion.

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