Perfect Pairings

These potato pancakes are incredibly versatile and pair well with a variety of dishes. For a hearty breakfast, serve them alongside eggs and bacon. For a light lunch or dinner, pair them with a simple salad and some smoked salmon. They also make a great side dish for roast chicken or beef.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can I use a different type of potato?
A: Yes, you can use Yukon Gold or red potatoes, but russet potatoes are preferred because they have a higher starch content, which helps the pancakes hold together better.

Q: Can I make these potato pancakes ahead of time?
A: Yes, you can make them ahead of time and reheat them in the oven before serving. They’ll still be crispy and delicious.

Q: What can I do if my pancakes are too greasy?
A: Ensure that your oil is hot enough before adding the batter. If the pancakes are absorbing too much oil, they may not be cooking quickly enough. Also, make sure to drain them well on paper towels after frying.

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