Wild blueberry loaf cake


Can I use frozen blueberries instead of fresh? Yes, frozen wild blueberries work perfectly well in this recipe. Just be sure to fold them into the batter gently while still frozen to prevent bleeding into the batter.

Can I make muffins instead of a loaf cake? Absolutely! Adjust the baking time to approximately 20-25 minutes for standard-sized muffins or 15-18 minutes for mini muffins.

Can I reduce the sugar in this recipe? You can slightly reduce the sugar without significantly affecting the texture, but keep in mind that it may alter the taste and moistness slightly.


Now that you have the recipe for this delightful Wild Blueberry Loaf Cake, it’s time to gather your ingredients and bake up a treat that’s sure to please. Whether shared with loved ones or enjoyed quietly with a cup of tea, this cake brings a taste of homemade goodness to any moment. Don’t forget to share this recipe with your friends and family, and subscribe to my blog for more culinary inspirations and baking adventures.

Happy baking!